180 special trains for Pongal 2011 From Railways|Special Trains for Pongal 2011|180 Special Trains|Special Trains for Sankranthi 2011|List of Pongal 2011 Trains|Sankranthi Special Trains|Railways allot 180 special trains for Pongal 2011
180 special trains for Pongal 2011 From Railways|Special Trains for Pongal 2011|180 Special Trains|Special Trains for Sankranthi 2011|List of Pongal 2011 Trains|Sankranthi Special Trains|Railways allot 180 special trains for Pongal 2011
Categories @ special trains for Pongal 2011 Tags: List of Pongal 2011 Trains, Sankranthi Special Trains, Special Trains, Special Trains for Pongal 2011, Free Tamil Calendar 2011 Full Download, Pongal 2011 Festival Date, Special Trains for Sankranthi 2011
Southern Railway has a number of special trains for Pongal and Special Trains For Pongal and Sabari during Sabarimala season this year. We have tried our best to provide accurate and updated details about 180 special trains for Pongal 2011 From Railways|Special Trains for Pongal 2011|180 Special Trains|Special Trains for Sankranthi 2011|List of Pongal 2011 Trains|Sankranthi Special Trains|Railways allot 180 special trains for Pongal 2011. As per sources and the as per notification with according to the news sources or according to the official news search engine Railways allot 180 special trains for Pongal 2011. Pongal, which will be celebrated on Saturday, Jan 15, is the harvest festival of the South Indians, especially in Tamil Nadu the occasion as the New Year. The special trains with AC II Tier, 1 AC III Tier, 8 Sleeper Class, 6 General Second Class, started its operations from Dec 1, 2010 till Jan 19, 2011 and the reservations for these special trains have been began from Nov 28, 2010.
Train No 0748 special train will start in Secundrabad on Januray 8th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 2010. In return journey 0747 special train moves from Vizag on January 9th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th at night time. These trains will stop in Kazipet, Warangal, Khammam, Madhira, Vijayawada, Eluru, Thadepally gudem, Rajamandri, Samarlakota, Annavaram, Thuni, Anakaapally, Duvvada stations. 180 special trains for Pongal 2011 From Railways|Special Trains for Pongal 2011|180 Special Trains|Special Trains for Sankranthi 2011|List of Pongal 2011 Trains|Sankranthi Special Trains|Railways allot 180 special trains for Pongal 2011.
Sankranthi special trains on Secundrabad and Vijayawada:
Train No 0714 special train will starts January 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th February 1st morning times at 5.30 am. It will reach Kazipet at 7.30 am, Warangal at 7.47 am, Mahaboobad at 8.30 am, Khammam 9.17 am Vijayawada at 11.30 am.
Sankranthi special trains – Guntur and Secundrabad route Train Timings:
Train No 0713 special train will start from Secundrabad on January 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st in 2010. It returns at night timings from Guntur and the train will reach Vijayawada at 10 pm, Khammam 11.35 pm, Mahaboobabad at 12.30 am, Warangal 1.30 am, Secundrabad at 4.30 am.

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